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COVID-19 Update #1
April 14, 2020 We are just over a month into a stay-at-home order from Illinois Governor J.B. … Continue Reading…
Detours and off road adventures
It's been awhile since I've been back at the blog. Mostly this is life getting in the way. A lot of … Continue Reading…
The Road Ahead
The road ahead sometimes doesn't appear as it may seem. You think you're on the right path only to … Continue Reading…
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My Professional Blog: Transport Nexus
A Failure of Governance
I am absolutely appalled by the failure of governance in the state of Texas that resulted in a severe weather event turning into an absolute calamity for millions of people. This is the definition of a man-made problem similar to the levee failures in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina in that failure of government to […]
How to get a Starbucks (or a Trader Joe’s) in your Community

The urban planning questions we should be asking about these businesses. I have been involved in many downtown community plans professionally and have been active in my own neighborhood on economic development concerns and the question that I hear asked most often is along the lines of Why can’t we get a Starbucks (or Trader […]

I’ve been writing on social media about my disdain for Elon Musk’s foray into solving mass transit problems with the hyperloop for some time. But now we have evidence of a test ride with real people by Virgin Hyperloop in the Nevada desert. CNN covers the event, which is basically a commercial, though their article […]